Monday, May 20, 2013

In search of myself on a road less travelled

For Mancis, the writing is on the wall
The cup of tea was still hot when I took the first sip in that hot, humid and dusty afternoon. I had taken a seat in an almost empty stall, with a view of the road in front of me. It must have been a good ten minutes before the first vehicle passed by, a truck laden with timber inching its way towards a destination probably only its driver knew.
 I had exited a crowded highway to Kuantan about an hour earlier, deciding to follow a road less travelled southwards into Negeri Sembilan. The journey, cutting through rainforests, oil palm and rubber plantations and small towns I never knew existed, had taken me here to Mancis, a one street town north of Negeri Sembilan.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Malaysia choose and life will go on.

 Finally, after what may well be four long years, or maybe more, Malaysians are staring squarely at the day of reckoning.  After such a time of having their emotions bottled-up, after seemingly endless arguments which at times border absurdity, criss-crossing truths, half-truths and outright lies, Malaysians will now have the opportunity to either show their appreciation or vent their anger at the ballot boxes which will be opened from 8.00 am on Sunday.
 When I saw a frail old lady planting little multi-coloured flags on the grass sidewalk near my office this morning, I wondered about her wishes, her frustrations and her aspirations.
 Likwise, when I saw youths risking their lives climbing lamp posts to hang party flags, I wondered that besides the money they’d get from doing so, whether they actually believed in the party’s struggles.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Almost There

It seems the much-awaited 13th General Elections (GE) is just around the next bend. An MCA leader said it should happen within six weeks.
 The war-drums however, have been thumped since long ago. In fact since the 12th GE when the ruling coalition party, Barisan Nasional (BN) chalked-up one of its worst performance ever, Malaysians in general have done little else but talk politics.
 Many are growing increasingly tired of the politicking as other issues affecting Malaysia seems to have been relegated to the bottom of the 'To Do' list. At times, it feels like we are approaching India's status as a nation with probably the most politically-charged society around.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The General Elections and the media

AT the centre of the period leading to the 13th General Elections (GE) is the media. It would not be too much for me to say that never in past GEs has the media been put to as great a test as it is being put through now. Indeed, the media is living in a very different time.
 The primary agent for change as far as the media is concerned, is the internet and the advent of telecommunication. With arrival of the internet and advancement of telecommunication, the media as we know it in the past have lost its monopoly in the dissemination of information to the public.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Big Picture

FOR most of us, this is the only land we have. We were born here and will most probably be buried here. We belong here and that MyKad identity document we carry in our wallets and handbags wherever we go is testament to that fact.
 That card, though not any larger than the credit or the various discount cards we carry with us, signifies our rights to everything the nation has to offer, including in determining its future. We should all take our ownership of this land and its future seriously.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Eventually, I will have to write about this. Yes, that special day when we all will choose the government who will govern us and the nation for the next term of mandate.
 I'm not new to general elections. In fact I have always been interested in it since I was a child. But somehow, since I joined the Press fraternity some 23 years ago, I have avoided writing too much about it in the newspaper I work for. I have my own reasons for that, and I wouldn't want to discuss about them here.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

As I Turn The Final Corner

Me, on the last day of 2012
Well, apparently I'd turn 52 in less than a month's time. That means I'd be about 18,900 days old. And that’s a lot of days.
 I have outlived a Volvo car, arguably the most long-lasting car man has ever made, by some 2.66 times.
 While I am not about to succumb to a downhill ride, I am beginning to feel the strain of age. And somewhere in my mind, that date with destiny is always there. Like a car long after it left the showroom, I could feel certain changes to remind me of my age.
 Looking back, I remember that once I was a very active tennis player in college. I could play an entire singles match without much of a problem.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Of birthdays and such

Today's toys are very different from what they once were

JANUARY is a busy month for me, as far as birthdays are concerned. Both my daughters were born in this month, with their birthdays just five days apart.
 We try to celebrate their birthdays, at the very least with a simple dinner at a place of their choice. And then there are the presents of course.
 It was different when I was small as I was never really bothered about my birthday. Most of the time I forgot, save for a few occassions that I was reminded of it.
 But I remember I got a toy from a sister once, when I was about eight. It was a battery-operated capsule of the Apollo spacecraft, a popular toy a time when America was in the final stages of putting man on the moon. I had wanted the toy so much after seeing it in a toyshop right at the far corner of the Port Dickson town.